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Bookworm Lisa~: Blog Tour ~ Review of "Mattie" by M. Ann Rohrer

Bookworm Lisa~: Blog Tour ~ Review of "Mattie" by M. Ann Rohrer : Mattie by M. Ann Rohrer My rating: 4 of 5 stars Source: Netga...

Friday, April 26, 2013

Literary Time Out: Blog Tour: Mattie by M. Ann Rohrer

Literary Time Out: Blog Tour: Mattie by M. Ann Rohrer: Review Mattie was a really interesting read. It's a novel, but is based on a true story (which I didn't realize until I saw f...


  1. Thank you Andrea Frisby for a great review. I'm flattered.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Dear, Andrea please delete my comment "It good one" because i am getting nofication for the same.

  3. Dear, Andrea please delete my comment "It good one" because i am getting nofication for the same.
